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" My passion and love for the craft has garnered 

several awards and accolades as a writer and furthered

my career as a graphic design artist. 

But nothing is as satisfying or exciting as the work itself. 


I combine an array of critical thinking and design skills

honed by working in the newspaper, magazine and advertising industries over the years. Along with multi-media designs in print, web, video and animation;

I diligently keep up with new ways of branding in a world of ever-changing trends.


Design is as much problem solving as it is inspiration,

and my varying experiences have accumulated in stronger designs

to the success of my clients and employers. "




Letter BSR
Portfolio Snap Shot

 Design Snap Shot

The Work.

Utilizing the array of Adobe CC: Photoshop, Illustrator, Premier and InDesign in tandem; I  build various digital ads and campaigns that are engaging and tailor-made for the clients needs. 

Snap Shot.

Photomanipulation, Typography, Layout, Design, Advertising and Animation from 2017-18. 

More than Advertising.

When not building Ad Campaigns or designing Book Covers and T-Shirts, I love to continue to pursue and create in the digital medium. It's more about the work than anything else. 

© 2019 by Benjamin S. Rossi   Graphic Design: Art in Design

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